Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Flat Plan Layout

Below is the basic format and layout of my Front Cover. By using Photoshop, I will be able to reproduce the A4 sized cover - the space dedication is clear as the image will dominate the whole page.

This is the layout of my first double page spread with a small amount of text on the left and a picture on the right, with a small amount of text anchoring the image, informing the reader of where they can buy the products featured in the photo-shoot.  

The double page spread for my article follows a similar pattern to the double page spread beforehand, text on the left, image on the right.

Overall, these diagrams have enabled me to have a greater sense of direction as I continue the planning of my production piece. With reference to these plans I need two main, fashion/beauty images for the front page and the body of the article along with a smaller image to embed in the text. Furthermore, I need to write the content of the article, along with choosing the appropriate font for the titles and text to follow Harper’s Bazaar’s typical codes and conventions.  

Friday, 13 February 2015

Article Content plan                                                                       

After reading, deconstructing and analysing multiple Harper's Bazaar editions I feel confident enough to incorporate my own ideas with the typical codes and conventions of the fashion magazine into a replica edition. The piece will be based upon my critical investigation in which I explored how we are becoming more open to a pluralist view of a female representation, and enjoy watching powerful women take charge. I have focused on may powerful, intelligent female leads in TV drama and wish to carry this through to my production piece. 

In order to attract the target audience of Harper’s Bazaar and fully replicate the codes and conventions, the use of language and content must be relevant and correct. The Harper's Bazaar March 2015 edition will pay tribute to loved British actress, Maisie Bass, who is making her lead debut role in the highly anticipated police TV drama "Chase," which she is also directing and co-writing. The interview will flow like a regular article, in continuous paragraphs and columns, unlike typically in interviews, where each paragraph is titled with the interviewers question. The article will be more of an account from the interviewer with quotes from the actress embedded into the text. The interview will revolve around the up and coming drama, mainly focusing on the feminist views in which it enforces, and why Maisie is so passionate about presenting these views to the British public, whilst perhaps also relating to previous events that have occurred in her personal life and shaped her ideas on feminism.  

The article format is as follows:

- Article title: Maisie (in artisitc font) 
- Text under title: On Chase, and life as a Director 
- First PG: Briefly outlines Maisie's history and what the new TV drama entails. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

Front cover and Article Initial Plan

My production piece will consist of the front page of Harper’s Bazaar, a double page spread introducing the article and a double page spread of the article. Below is my initial planning and ideas for the front cover and double page spread; features and conventions that need to be produced are:
Front Cover:

1.       The Harper’s bazaar logo on the front cover of each edition s there is a definitive Sun logo positioned at the top of the cover, which is sometimes transparent on top the image of a celebrity or is partially blocked out from the image

2.       A large image of the celebrity which fills most of the page - the image which I use will have a clear professional feel and must have a fashionable edge

3.       Title text, organised into short phrases relating to the feature articles and aiming to entice the reader

4.       The release date; positioned to the right and just under the Harper’s Bazaar title, usually in a small black san serif font

5.       The ‘Type of edition’’ usually the words ‘FASHION’, ‘BEAUTY’ or TRAVEL’ are displayed along the bottom of the front cover, usually in the same font as ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ but perhaps in a contrasting colour

6.       Colour pallet; I’m unsure on the exact colour pallet but I wish to either use a black and white image with bold text or the use of vibrant colours like in the Kiera Knightley edition.


1.        A large image which fills the right side of the double page spread - the image which I use will again have a clear professionally shot feel

2.       Text, organised into two neat columns, the second positioned slightly lower than the first, relating to the celebrity interview and revealing exclusive information about the celebrity’s personal and professional life.

3.       Sub heading on the first double page spread to introduce the celebrity interview and a small bold introduction to give the audience a snippet of what the piece will be about.

4.       Factual information/summaries/quotes embodied in the text through central boxes to break up the bulk of writing, which organises the text for skim readers and to further add interest and the option of a lighter read.


Feature images:

The images used in Harper’s Bazaar, on the cover and throughout, help entice the reader before any text is read. My critical investigation explores how we are become g more open to a pluralist view of a representation, so I’d like the celebrity on the front cover to be represented in an empowered shot, to oppose the typical representation of female celebrities.  There will also be two more images within my article, both of which will have the same colouring or style as the initial image on the front cover.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Article Deconstruction

In order to gain further understanding to how each celebrity interview was layer out in Harper's Bazaar, I purchased the latest edition which showed a series of articles positioned on a double page spreads. The magazine has showed me the type of font used for the article, the positioning of the text and what images are used to accompany it. Below is a deconstruction of both the text layout and accompanying image.

1)      The article is laid out the same as the double page introduction before; text on the left and image on the right. This follows through for the rest of the feature and provides an equal balance between information for the reader with a glamorous and stylish image. This is pleasing to the eye and conforms to the codes and conventions of a fashion magazine as readers will be interested in the clothes and accessories the celebrity is wearing and also the latest changes in their personal life.

2)    The text is displayed in two columns, the first slightly lower, creating a more fashionable edge to the block of text. The article text is Times New roman, a basic, common san serif font that will be easy to duplicate for my own article.  In addition to this there is a white box, which usually contains an impacting statement for those that just skim read the article. The text may also entice the reader to read on, as the statement is usually catchy. In this case it states “‘Chris was only 25 when we met. Too young’ she says ‘Men are very young for their age’” Commenting of recent changes in her personal life, this will immediately attract her fans and those interested in the ‘gossipy’ side of celebrity.

3)      The image used to anchor the text of the right side of the article is black and white with a slight sepia filter. Unlike other images I have analysed, these are not consistent with the image on the front cover which is in colour. The image has been taken from a medium shot showing her upper body, which again does not follow the trends vie seen so far, as they are generally full body shots to show the reader what they are wearing. The image is unlike typical ‘model’ shoots as Gwyneth is smiling, however it displays her personality well which I think is what the article is trying to convey.

4)      A small block of text anchors the image, telling the reader where each accessory or clothing item is from and how much its costs, promoting synergy between the magazine and the brands it advertises through celebrity photo-shoots.